Layla Al-Khalifa

Breaking: Hong Kong bans protest anthem after major court victory!

Hong Kong’s National Security Laws: Protest Song Ban Upheld

In a controversial move, Hong Kong’s government has successfully pushed for the banning of the protest song, Glory to Hong Kong, under the city’s national security laws.

Court Reverses Previous Decision

The High Court had previously rejected the government’s attempt to outlaw the song, citing concerns about free speech. However, an appeal court has now overturned that decision, allowing the ban to proceed.

Concerns About Eroding Freedoms

This ruling is expected to heighten worries about diminishing freedoms in Hong Kong, as the government tightens its grip on dissent and opposition.

Restrictions on Song Usage

The court’s ruling specifies that the song can only be used for “academic” or “news” purposes, and prohibits its broadcast, performance, sharing, or reproduction if it aims to incite secession or sedition against the Hong Kong government.

Backlash Against Song

The Chinese government has supported the ban, calling it a “necessary measure” to uphold national security. Hong Kong, while part of China, has seen its autonomy dwindle since the handover from British rule in 1997.

Origins of Glory to Hong Kong

The song, sung in Cantonese, gained popularity during the 2019 pro-democracy protests and was adopted as the unofficial anthem of the movement. Its lyrics call for the liberation of Hong Kong and a revolution for freedom.

Enforcement of Ban

Despite the formal ban, individuals in Hong Kong have already faced repercussions under the national security laws for playing the song. In 2022, a harmonica player was arrested for performing it outside the British consulate.

Continued Resistance

Efforts to remove the song from online platforms have been met with resistance, as internet giants like Google have refused to comply with requests to take it down. The battle over the song’s usage continues.

Legal Justification

The appeal court justified the ban as a necessary step to uphold national security, citing the difficulty of prosecuting individual acts. It emphasized the role of internet platforms in preventing the spread of content deemed subversive.