Layla Al-Khalifa

Revolutionary breakthrough: Scientists remove HIV from cells


In a groundbreaking development, scientists in London have successfully removed HIV from infected cells using the Nobel Prize-winning Crispr gene-editing technology.

Working at the molecular level like a pair of scissors, Crispr cuts DNA to remove or deactivate “bad” bits. This breakthrough offers hope of completely ridding the body of the virus, although further research is necessary to ensure its safety and effectiveness.

While current HIV medications can suppress the virus, they are unable to eliminate it entirely. The University of Amsterdam team presented their early findings at a medical conference, emphasizing that their work is still in the early stages and is not yet a cure for HIV.

Dr. James Dixon, an associate professor specializing in stem-cell and gene-therapy technologies at the University of Nottingham, agrees that more scrutiny is required before the full implications of this research can be understood.

Despite the promising results, challenges remain in using Crispr against HIV. Excision BioTherapeutics reported that three volunteers with HIV showed no serious side effects after 48 weeks of treatment. However, virus expert Dr. Jonathan Stoye from the Francis Crick Institute in London warned that removing HIV from all cells in the body is a complex task.

Even with effective treatment, HIV-infected immune cells can enter a dormant state, containing the virus’s genetic material. Most people with HIV require lifelong antiretroviral therapy to prevent the virus from reactivating if they stop taking medication.

While a small number of individuals have been “cured” of HIV through aggressive cancer therapy, such extreme measures are not recommended for HIV treatment. The road to a Crispr-based therapy for HIV is long, with many years of research and testing ahead before it could become a routine treatment option. – BBC